Tag Archive for 'google'

Building AdSense & Amazon Website. Part 1.

Today I would like to introduce you my latest experiment. I have decided to build a new website from scratch and make it profitable in the shortest possible time. Moreover I want to spend as little time on developing and maintenance as possible. In a one month time since today I will decide if I want to keep it and develop for continuous income or flip it.

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Android Market – are new features coming…?

If you have not noticed it yet on Android Market developers console a strange notification has appeared and is visible since a few hours. If you are registered Android developer you may read on your console following message:

"Sections of the site may be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. You may view your list of apps and error reports."

Here is a screenshot with mentioned message:

They say about possible errors but I have not found any. Everything looks to be working smooth. There is no any info on official Android Developers blog.

Is it a forecast of some new features...? Most probably we will know it in a next few hours...

UPDATE 2010-07-20: It looks that the message has disappeared and there are no any new features...

UPDATE 2010-07-24: It looks that they were preparing for some new payment options... But changes are still not visible - post about it here.

Is PageRank still important in SEO?

Since publishing my report "PageRank 4 in two weeks?" some of my blog readers have asked me and even argued about importance of PageRank in SEO. There is no simple answer for question asked in this blog post. Not because noone really knows it. It is rather because some people misunderstand what the PageRank really is. PageRank by itself do not guaranteeĀ  you a lot of search engine traffic. PageRank is one of indicators that shows you that your link building technique is good. But you need something more than links pointing to your website to make search engine a good traffic source.

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PageRank 4 in two weeks?

It is a pleasure for me to announce a launch of my first eBook with my report titled "How to improve your website up to Google PageRank 4 in two Weeks!". I have written it based on my own experience and can guarantee you that my method really works. Especially for my blog readers I would like to offer you a $10 discount!

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Google PageRank update in progress?

Just wondering is it google pagerank update in progress? Most of us don't care... or rather they say that they don't care about their PageRank as it is not as important factor in search engine optimization as it used to be. Anyway it is still showing you if you are going a right way. Moreover it increase website value when you trade links or just going to sell it. Additionally it makes your website look much more serious as not totally new but established with some good quality backlinks.

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How to make people click ads on your blog?

Even if you have really big traffic on your site it does not mean that you will get tons of clicks to your ads (google adsense or any other). You may believe me or not but there are a few ways you may increase clicks to your ads without breaking any ad program rules... Some people just put ads anywhere on their site and are waiting for a huge revenue. But it does not work this way. You need to know what are you doing or you will have to learn it from your own mistakes and loose a lot of time.

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