Tag Archive for 'Android Market'

Android Market paid app support for developers from Poland and Czech

Last week I was very surprised when clicked a link to create Google Checkout account and found my country on the list - as till then Poland has not been officially supported. We have been allowed to add free apps to Android Market but could not sell anything! I have immediately filled all forms and registered account on my country with my legal business name and address. Unfortunately I could not add my bank account number as it was not accepted by the form. I could not find any official news anywhere on the Internet about new countries. Moreover message asking me about my AdSense account number has been popping up on my Android Market console.

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Want to make money with Android? Have questions?

Update #2: My eBook has been released! You may get it from this link "Make Money on Android". Comments to this post has been closed!

Old post:

In most of my posts I am just sharing information about Android, my online income and Android market revenue. I am giving you a lot of information. As some of you have sad in your comments some are inspiring and some are just useful. This post is other than the rest. This time you won't learn anything new. This time I will ask you about something. But I will give you something in return as well. I will give you free copies of my new ebook about making money with Android (with free apps!).

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Android Market – New Payment Options!

Today morning I have received an email from "Android Market" team about a new adjustment to Android Market legals. Email has been saying that I need to accept new rules if I want to keep my developers account active. I was very excited about this as I am still waiting when I will be able to buy and sell Android applications from my country.

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Android Market – are new features coming…?

If you have not noticed it yet on Android Market developers console a strange notification has appeared and is visible since a few hours. If you are registered Android developer you may read on your console following message:

"Sections of the site may be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. You may view your list of apps and error reports."

Here is a screenshot with mentioned message:

They say about possible errors but I have not found any. Everything looks to be working smooth. There is no any info on official Android Developers blog.

Is it a forecast of some new features...? Most probably we will know it in a next few hours...

UPDATE 2010-07-20: It looks that the message has disappeared and there are no any new features...

UPDATE 2010-07-24: It looks that they were preparing for some new payment options... But changes are still not visible - post about it here.