Tag Archive for 'howto'

App Design Elements you should focus on.

The roaring success of both Google and Apple App stores have opened up a whole new vista of opportunities for developers and designers. But only a few of all people who jump into the app developing business actually taste success. If you want your app to be successful, there are some key aspects you should devote you utmost attention to.

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How to become an Android developer?

Despite the fact that I have partially answered that in one of my earlier posts (Is it hard to become an Android developer…?) - I am still getting a lot of questions asking me how to become an Android developer. It is why I have decided to write about this once again. I know that the hardest in Android development is the beginning. I has been in the same situation and I lost a lot of time just to find the short intro that would tell me where should I start. In this post I will try to answer you by showing you the path. You will not learn anything right here - but you will know where should you start your adventures with this little funny Android robot (I bet you will like him sooner or later!).

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Is it hard to become an Android developer…?

My last post (Android Developer Income Report) caused a lot of questions about how to jump into Android apps development. It is very surprising for me as earnings I have presented are not even close to most of iPhone developers income. Anyway the future of Android developers is looking very bright and there is a lot of space for new applications ideas... So if you are still really interested in making Android development a serious source of your monthly income this post may be helpful as a starting point... Here are statements I have read before I started to develop for Android...

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Move your WordPress blog to new domain without traffic and backlinks loss

WordpressMoving your WordPress blog can be very frustrating and can bring you a real headache. You have put a lot of effort in creating your website content and you want to take it with you to a new home. Of course you want to keep all backlinks and link structure untouched. But be warned that any mistake can bring you very serious trouble as you may loose your traffic and/or search engine positions. If you have decided for such move you need do it well. In this post I will do all my best to help you with your move.

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6 ways to make money as a web developer

Money onlineAre you a professional web developer? Or a beginner in this industry? Are you looking for some extra cash? Or for a money that will make you living? If you have answered "yes" to any of above questions (mostly it would be really hard to say "no" to all) this article should be helpful for you.

Below I will cover most of possible ways to make money online from web development. I am sure there might be more but in most cases it would fit to one of below categories. So let's start the list.

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Twitter updates from your tray!

twitterDo you want to be up to date with everything that is going on twitter? Do you spend hours on refreshing your twitter home instead of doing something other that you should? There is a great workaround to be up to date and not loose a lot of time on refreshing twitter webpage! You can very easily make a nice notification popup next to your clock on the tray! Here is an example:

Please continue reading for a step by step guide.

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How to make people tweet your message with one click?

TwitterIf you want your web site visitors tweet your own message there is a much better way than tell them to copy and paste it on their twitter home page. You may make a great looking link to click. When they will click it they will be redirected to twitter with your message pasted in their "What are you doing?" message box. Of course you can not trick them to tweet whatever you want as they will still have to click "update" button.

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