Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

No available for public viewing!

Changes are here! Just as I have announced on one of my previous posts "Income Reports are dead. Long live Progress Reports!". I had to close parts of my blog from public viewing. It took me some time as I wanted to keep my blogging style where I share all those sensitive data and at the same time stop lurkers that are not serious about this business away. I think that I have found a way to do it. It is not perfect. As there are no perfect solutions. For sure many of you may be disappointed. But many will benefit - as without it I would not share any more information. So my final decision is described in below paragraph.

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Is Blogging on Android Tablet Comfortable?

In this post I will try to answer if it is possible to blog from Android Tablet. It will be written from beggining to the end on my brand new Archos 80 G9. As it is my first post that will be written on this device I will learn and describe all my expiriences as it occurs... Just from the beggining I already have quite a few findings that may be realy interesting for those of you who are still unsure about tablet usability.

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Just got 80,000 visits… Now surprise me!

It looks that my blog just got 80,000 visits! Unfortunately these are no visits in some short term but it has happened since start of my blog... (or rather since a stats plugins has been installed on it...). It has learned me a one very important thing... But as the conclusion should go at the end of each post and it is the begging I will tell you it later...

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Your Business from Garage to NASDAQ…? Don’t let your idea die!

I did it! Really! It was my first time! No... it is not my business on NASDAQ... At least not yet... It is my first time when I bought something in the world wide known online shop Amazon! It was a really nice feeling to buy something from guy who started his business in the garage! Jeff Bezos have build an amazing online business that not only gave him a steady online income but it is worth... sorry I am not sure about its value but I am sure it is worth really a lot... It was started in a garage and now it is on NASDAQ! Continue reading...

$500 online in less than 2 weeks? Method #1

I have received a lot of very positive feedback after publishing my income reports and a lot of questions about details of my money making methods. It is why I have decided to start a series of the posts with quick money making tips. I will try to share at last one method per month (so subscribe for my blog updates for more!). Most of them (if not all) will be methods that may be used by someone that have not done anything similar online and currently have no any experience in making money from the web. Today I will share with all of you one of my very successful methods that I have not been expecting to be so profitable. I have made over $500 in less than two weeks with very low traffic to my blog.

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Is PageRank still important in SEO?

Since publishing my report "PageRank 4 in two weeks?" some of my blog readers have asked me and even argued about importance of PageRank in SEO. There is no simple answer for question asked in this blog post. Not because noone really knows it. It is rather because some people misunderstand what the PageRank really is. PageRank by itself do not guarantee  you a lot of search engine traffic. PageRank is one of indicators that shows you that your link building technique is good. But you need something more than links pointing to your website to make search engine a good traffic source.

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Selling website that made over $500 in 8 days!

Would you believe that the website that made $500 in 8 days and have a lot more of potential may be for sale? You may be very surprised but it is! I am selling one of my websites that was very popular last days. It made me exactly $509.60 in 8 days (until today it is almost $600). What website is it? It is more than a website as I am selling a full copy/resale right to my report published as an ebook and website that is describing it.

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PageRank 4 in two weeks?

It is a pleasure for me to announce a launch of my first eBook with my report titled "How to improve your website up to Google PageRank 4 in two Weeks!". I have written it based on my own experience and can guarantee you that my method really works. Especially for my blog readers I would like to offer you a $10 discount!

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Google PageRank update in progress?

Just wondering is it google pagerank update in progress? Most of us don't care... or rather they say that they don't care about their PageRank as it is not as important factor in search engine optimization as it used to be. Anyway it is still showing you if you are going a right way. Moreover it increase website value when you trade links or just going to sell it. Additionally it makes your website look much more serious as not totally new but established with some good quality backlinks.

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When the project ends… Where’s my money?

If you are self employed or have your own company there is such a moment... Very strange moment. When you finish your project. You used to spent a lot of time working on it. Making it perfect. You spent a piece of your life for it... And then... Suddenly... It ends... Sometimes not so suddenly... you might be expecting it should end someday... But this moment always need to come. Sooner or later. So what's now? It looks that now you have no idea what to do... Continue reading...