Tag Archive for 'adsense'

Building AdSense & Amazon Website. Part 1.

Today I would like to introduce you my latest experiment. I have decided to build a new website from scratch and make it profitable in the shortest possible time. Moreover I want to spend as little time on developing and maintenance as possible. In a one month time since today I will decide if I want to keep it and develop for continuous income or flip it.

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How to make people click ads on your blog?

Even if you have really big traffic on your site it does not mean that you will get tons of clicks to your ads (google adsense or any other). You may believe me or not but there are a few ways you may increase clicks to your ads without breaking any ad program rules... Some people just put ads anywhere on their site and are waiting for a huge revenue. But it does not work this way. You need to know what are you doing or you will have to learn it from your own mistakes and loose a lot of time.

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