Archive for the 'twitter' Category

Twitter @reply vs @mention. Don’t lose your exposure!

If you think there is no any difference in @reply and @mention when used in your twitter status message you are so wrong! I have lost quite a lot of my messages exposure because of this mistake. I do not have thousands of followers but I am running twitter web 2.0 app that pushes a lot of status updates for other users. And because of my "small" mistake I have been loosing a lot of exposure till today! Twitter stuff write about it on their blog as a feature but for me it was a pain to get to know about it. And probably most of you don't know how it works exactly.

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Twitter updates from your tray!

twitterDo you want to be up to date with everything that is going on twitter? Do you spend hours on refreshing your twitter home instead of doing something other that you should? There is a great workaround to be up to date and not loose a lot of time on refreshing twitter webpage! You can very easily make a nice notification popup next to your clock on the tray! Here is an example:

Please continue reading for a step by step guide.

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How to make people tweet your message with one click?

TwitterIf you want your web site visitors tweet your own message there is a much better way than tell them to copy and paste it on their twitter home page. You may make a great looking link to click. When they will click it they will be redirected to twitter with your message pasted in their "What are you doing?" message box. Of course you can not trick them to tweet whatever you want as they will still have to click "update" button.

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Tweet & Win!

You may win a free ad spot on my right sidebar. All you have to do is to make a tweet containing my blog url "" (without using shortening url services). I will search and choose one random (or most creative) tweet every month and give you free banner spot for 1 month! You may put any graphic or text ad up to 125x125px (without offensive or adult content).

Additionally this ad will be "Do Follow" for search engine! My site is very well indexed in google so I am sure you will benefit from it. You may click Tweet & WIN link on my right sidebar to make a tweet (use my default or make any other - be creative - just make sure that it will contain my blog URL). Good Luck!

Update: This offer is no longer valid. Follow me as I will offer a new promo soon.