So here is my another monthly income report. At the beginning I would like to thank to all my loyal readers that are visiting my site (leave a comment on this post with a short HI if you want me to keep writing more reports). It is little late to write report for the May - but as the popular saying in Poland tells - better late than never. My last moth was a best since I gave up a day job. Many factors have caused it as I got cash flow from a lot of different income sources.
Passed my monthly goal last month and...
If you have read my previous reports you probably know that my first income goal was as low/high as $1000.- per month (as it was income in my day job). And as you know I have passed it in previous month by making ...[PLEASE LOG IN TO READ]...! This month is not worse! I will tell you in secret that it was a way better!
So tell me about the money!
So here is your (and mine) favorite part of my monthly income posts. The numbers! As in last month I will start from lowest income source to the highest. So the number one is...

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In total it is ...[PLEASE LOG IN TO READ]...! Made more than triple of my monthly income goal! And who said you can't make money online...?
It looks that my "temporary" source income - that the website flipping is - makes most money like for now! Unfortunately I have not been working on this part of income anymore as I am spending most of my time on Android application development (this month income from Android will be "little" higher than in this report).
So how does it look according to my $1000.- monthly goal...? I think it is not so bad at all... Mostly I would like to hear some comments from people that answered me in my first month as an independent developer in words like "go and search for real job!"...
What about future plans...?
Unfortunately my next month will not look so good as I am spending most of my time on building my stable passive monthly income (mostly from Android applications).
You may say I am crazy as I have so many other income alternatives. But I want to do this what I really like. And if I will have problems with my income I will come back to other things that I has already been generating some nice income and can be repeated...
The bad thing in my current plan is that I can not sell applications on Android Market (developers from Poland are not allowed to do it yet) so I need to make money on ads... And it is slightly harder... But with each day my account balance is looking better and better and Google expands paid apps market so some day... who knows...
Can I ask how much traffic you get to your Mini Motherboard blog? We’re thinking of starting adding a specialist AV related blog to our website and just curious how much traffic is needed to generate decent ad returns / referral fees.
Keep up the great work, amazing achievements this month!
I get something betweet 200-500 page views daily.
HI, keep writing more reports :)
Ok, I will. Thanks for your comment.
Keep up the great work! Your reports are an inspiration!
Hi Randy, thanks! Such comments are inspiration for me ;)
Inspiration to us all.
Hi! Please keep up with the reports, they’re great. I’m also wanting to work from home, perhaps developing for the app store. Your reports are an inspiration specially since you’re outside the US too (I’m from Brazil). Maybe someday I’ll have the guts to ditch my day job and do what I really love.
It is really worth to try. I think it was my best decision ever… And I am thinking about iPhone app store as well as it is even more profitable nowadays…
You know, I just put up a post on my blog about how we need more people telling how to make money instead of how to save money. Folks like you are going to help us grow our way out of this economic downturn. It won’t be just you, but you as well as all of those you inspire to create something out of nothing.
I really like what you’re doing here. Keep it up. Best wishes!
Thanks Steve – such comments make me stronger :)
how do you sell a website?
Hi, good luck. Did you also consider dropshipping business beside affiliate? Are you focusing on “programming” or “marketing”?
I am focusing on programming and I need to do some marketing with every website to be successful ;)
Hey KreCi,
Inspirational stuff – congratulations on the site flips :)
In a similar position to you right now…was inhouse based as of last Thursday. Now a free agent hustling hard to develop passive/client based revenue streams.
Keep the posts coming…
Where do you sell your websites?
On flippa.
I’ve been enjoying your reports. One thing that seems to be happening is that website flipping is still the bulk of your income. Better than having a boss, but still a sort of fixed return for fixed effort kind of thing.
It’ll be interesting to see if and when your income begins to be sustainable purely from more passive income. As a consultant, that’s where I want to head myself, but I’ve found the path to be arduous.
I am strongly working on making my income passive. It made my current month earnings a way lower – but I have a new passive revenue stream – Android applications.
Happy to hear things are going well!
Hi KreCi.
Please keep the reports coming!
Congratulations! it is inspiring to see your evolution.
I would love to read an article about how you do about choosing a website to build, building it, promoting it and monetizing it.
Do you outsource any of your work?
I did outsourced some text writing and considering to outsource some bigger jobs. But more you outsource less money is for you (but… you can make more projects and still earn a lot more – need to consider it).
I love the reports. Please keep them up!
nice job to increase salary
Wow, great revenue and a way to make some passive income. Those are definitely good figures towards the website flipping.
Haven’t seen an update in some time, but I’m curious about your success. Can you post some updated figures?
I have been moving to new house and had not time for blogging… but I will update very soon so stay tuned ;)
Still waiting! :)
Any updates yet?
My Android Development income report is almost here… ;-)
This is a good point. I’d like to point out that I’ve been earning online for a little over 4 months now and I have made it to a full time income just by working online. The internet is a powerful tool. Keep sharing I will follow!
Would you consider a U.S. partner to sell your applications? I think there is a big opportunity there. I almost bought one the other day, and i NEVER buy software. I probably still will buy it. We have credentials and a fairly large backing, and I can share that with you so you know you’re dealing with a real company.
hi,I am a student in University,I wanna know if you were a Developer before you give up your job?? :D
Yes I was (web developer).
Your posts are really nice and i like it,i also find it usefull
i came here for the first time and like your post