Archive for the 'Annoucments' Category

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Got Music Talent – new music blog

I would like to announce a lunch of my new music blog "Got Music Talent". What is it exactly about? Have you ever watched programs like "Got Talent" or X "Factor"? This blog is similar. If in this programs you liked the most music performers - it is a place for you.

Got Music Talent!

Got Music Talent!

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Booking Calendar Lite released as free GPL script

I have decided to release some of my code as a free scripts under a GPL licence. My first choice is my "Booking Calendar Lite" written in PHP with MySQL support. Nice script that allow to publish on your website if some resource is free, reserved or occupied (or any other states you set in a config). You may find it under "CODE" section on my blog and see the script with a demo here "Booking Calendar Lite". I hope you will enjoy my script as much as I did when I was writing it :).

Mini Motherboard – New Mini ITX Blog

I would like to let you know about my new project. It is Mini ITX Blog. It is very niche as it is only about motherboards. You may visit it here: "Mini Motherboard". Mini ITX motherboards are great choice for your mini home computer (home server for your files, media or great HTPC when connected to you tv!). You may read more about it on my new blog. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing.

Tweet & Win!

You may win a free ad spot on my right sidebar. All you have to do is to make a tweet containing my blog url "" (without using shortening url services). I will search and choose one random (or most creative) tweet every month and give you free banner spot for 1 month! You may put any graphic or text ad up to 125x125px (without offensive or adult content).

Additionally this ad will be "Do Follow" for search engine! My site is very well indexed in google so I am sure you will benefit from it. You may click Tweet & WIN link on my right sidebar to make a tweet (use my default or make any other - be creative - just make sure that it will contain my blog URL). Good Luck!

Update: This offer is no longer valid. Follow me as I will offer a new promo soon.

URL Shortening Script

Here is a demo of my url shortening script. It let your visitors to make short redirections of their very long url's (for example it is useful for twitter users where they are limited to 140 characters). Script is made to be as simple as possible. HTML is separated from PHP so it may be customized by editing one HTML file without touching any PHP code! It do not need MySQL database - all data is stored in the file system. Users are redirected by .htaccess file to desired shortcut. Additionally there is administrator backend module to manage (edit/add/delete) url shortcuts. Below you may click for demo installed on my dev server.

Url shortening script frontend

Frontend demo

Url shortening script backend

Backend demo (Login: admin, Password: demo999)

You may get a copy of this script for $30 (installation included) - contact me if interested.

Update: Free version of this script have been released. Click here for more details.

Web hosting review website

My last project have just been launched. It is Web Hosting Reviews website based on customized WordPress and K2 theme. Below you may see front page screenshot. Click it to visit working site.

Web Hosting Reviews

Web Hosting Reviews

There is a lot of customization in PHP, the design and a few customized free plugins just to make it work a desired way. Site presents web hosting companies and let's visitors to write a review, make a star rating and choose best web hosting offer by reading real users opinions.

PayPal shopping cart

Very simple to use PayPal shopping cart. It may be customized by CSS sheet to your needs. You can use any currency supported by PayPal and define any type of products or services to sell. There are two types of groups for selling items - with radio button (client can choose only one option from group) or with checkboxes (client can choose many options from the group). Number of groups in cart is unlimited! All orders details are available thru admin. Additionaly descriptions over and under shopping cart may be customized with simple templates. Script is written in pure PHP and data is stored in MySQL database.

Demo shows example of using this cart for ordering “Wedding photographer”. If it doesn’t, probably someone have already been testing it… Anyway database resets every 24h so I am not going to change this description… :D If you want you may test it by clicking links below.

Shopping cart

Shopping cart demo

Admin panel demo

Admin demo (Login: admin, Password: demo999)

You may get a copy of this script for $30 (installation included) - contact me if interested.

Booking calendar

Calendar with possibility to mark if resources for some date are free or not. There are 3 options: “Reserved”, “Occupied”, “Free”. Calendar is generated by the script and it let users to go through years back and forward. Calendar days are displayed regarding the real dates (feb 29!). Administrator can mark dates just by clicking on one of the calendar cell’s. Script is written in PHP (with MySQL) and JavaScript.

Calendar demo

Calendar demo

You may get a copy of this script for $30 (installation included) - contact me if interested.

Update: Script have been released under GPL license and can be downloaded for free. Click here for more details.

User management backend module

Here is a simple ajax based user management backend written in PHP (with xajax libary). User data is stored in MySQL database. It is just a module that may be customized and used to any new script. Don’t be afraid to test as database resets every 24h.

Module demo (Login: admin; Password: demo999)

Module demo (Login: admin, Password: demo999)