Tag Archive for 'app'

Android Developer Income Report

A lot of people says that there is no real money in the Android development. They say that if you want to make money you should write for iPhone, iPad and all other iThings... This is not true! I am not a one of guys that is making thousands of dollars but my income seems to be steady and is still growing.

Moreover I am not one of top developers nor any of my apps have been promoted by Android Market. I am just an one among of thousands of Android developers with not to well known apps. And what may be really surprising all my apps are free as Google do not allow developers from my country (Poland) to sell apps via Android Market!

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WP Stats on Android!

I have been writing in some of my previous posts that I am learning to program for Android based phones. After many very long days of reading, learning and programming I am ready to anounce that I have finished and published my first Android application! And the best is that it may be really useful! My new app "WP Stats" can become one of the most used tools by bloggers who have Android based phone.

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