Archive for the 'Wordpress' Category

Subscribers Text Counter Updated to 1.6.4 (WordPress Plugin)

It is just a quick news that "Subscribers Text Counter" has been updated. Many of you have used it on your blogs but in last days the twitter counter stopped to work. In latest version it is fixed plus a few more features and fixes have been added. Below you will find complete list what have been changed in last 2 days (there was quite a few smaller updates from version 1.6 to 1.6.4).

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Subscribers Text Counter – New WordPress Plugin

I would like to announce that my new WordPress plugin is available to download. It is "Subscribers Text Counter". This plugin creates very easy to customize "Feedburner rss subscribers" and "twitter followers" text counters. You may see sample widget created with this plugin on top of my right sidebar.

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Be warned: WordPress update crash (2.8.4 to 2.8.5)

WordpressIf you are going to upgrade your WordPress installation soon you should read this post. A few days ago when I woke up and as usual turned on my notebook to check my mail and my sites stats. I have noticed and upgrade message in WordPress admin panel "WordPress 2.8.5 is available! Please update now". I have decided I will not ignore this update and it was the beginning of my trouble.

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