Tag Archive for 'leadbolt'

LeadBolt income since Google Play policy update

As most of you know Google have changed their policy lastly. They have enforced advertisers to follow their rules. Most importantly if you want to use notification or icon ads in your app you must display opt in/opt out information. Without it your app may be removed from listing for breaking Google Play Developer Program policy.

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LeadBolt: is it worth to implement?

If you want very short answer I can tell you on the beginning on this post. Yes! It is definitely worth to implement LeadBolt on your Android apps! I was very afraid before done it and had a lot of doubts. I was afraid of reaction of my users. I was afraid of bad comments. I was afraid of loosing downloads. After some experimenting now I know that there is a bad and good way of doing it. Moreover at all I have tripled my daily income from ads.

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